For God and country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: to uphold and support the Constitution of the United States of America; to commemorate United States Ship  Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB/CVA/CV-42); to preserve the memories of events connected with and the friendships arising from our association with USS Franklin D. Roosevelt: and to render assistance to shipmates and other Naval and Marine Corps personnel and their families.

The purpose of the organization is to promote patriotism in the United States of America as Veteran's Fraternal and Charitable Organization by mutual association of the membership in a common interest, that being the honorable service to our nation while serving aboard  USS Franklin D. Roosevelt during her commissioned service.  To this end we hold an anual reunion and business meeting each year.  The purpose of the organization is to promote patriotism in the United States of America.



USS FDR CVB/CVA/CV-42 Reunion, Inc. was founded in 1988 in Corpus Christi, TX, by John and Aerial Lyons.  Since that time we have held 29 reunions and have a membership of over 550 members with an active Ladies Auxiliary.  Sadly, both founders have passed away, buth their legacy is carried on to this day.


 PRESIDENT:  Brian Ryan     Bio

VICE PRESIDENT:  Carlo Giraulo   Bio


SECRETARY:  Gary Fisherbaugh     Bio

MASTER-AT-ARMS:  Norm Tremblay    Bio