Larry Blumenthal, a member of the USS FDR Reunion, Inc. Assn. and former Navy Photographer, has created a website of pictures that may be of interest.  If you are interested in looking at these images, and more, go to Larry's Website

USS FDR Operational History, crew rosters, crew photos, file to video projects and much more available at Franklin D.

If anybody has information concerning the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt that you would like to have preserved for future generations, please contact Larry through this link Submissions and follow the directions there to submit any materials you desire to be posted.

Shipmate Harry Barranger, Jr. sent us the following information (this is great memory gathering, so guys keep it coming):

"....I reported aboard the FDR on October 8, 1951 when the ship was in Naples, Italy.  During the cruise the ship visited various ports of call-La Specia, Italy, Athens, Greece, Istanbul, Turkey (where we spent the Thanksgiving Day Nov. 1951), the crew members were given a certificate,  THE MYSTIC ORDER OF THE FLYING CARPET for passing through the Dardanelles and the Sea of Marmara on the goodwill tour and mission of diplomatic courtesy to Istanbul, city of the Sultans.

The next port of call was Naples, Italy, where the ship celebrated Christmas, Dec. 25, 1951, inside the Naples Harbor (quite an undertaking).  The last port visited was Valencia, Spain, where the natives put on a Bull Fight for the crew, although the regular Bull Fighting Season was over.

On returning to Norfolk, the ship entered the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for an angle deck."